TQ9: Together We Care

TQ9: Together We Care is a partnership of 27 local organisations that have come together to help you navigate the cost of living crisis we are currently all experiencing.
As a partnership our aim is to bring together, in one place, information about support that is available and the activities and events that are running that also happen to take place in warm spaces, with a warm welcome. We will also look to support new and interesting opportunities for activities and to share these with our local community.
Here is a google calendar showing local events. All activities will be either free, donation-based, ‘pay-what-you-can’ or for a subsidised fee.
Please note events are subject to change. Contact the organiser (details within the calendar event) to check before you travel.
Please click on the event you’re interested in to check the details. Some events require booking, some charge a fee or pay what you can. Key: FREE = no charge; PWYF = Pay what you feel; FEE = there’s a charge to attend, check the description for more details.
Warm Spaces
There are lots of warm spaces in Totnes, offering a range of services.
Partner Organisations
Find out more about the organisations partnering with us in the Cost of Living Partnership
To advertise any events or services please contact Amy on coordinator@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk and cc any publicity materials to aydin.ctt@gmail.com so that they can be included in the weekly Caring Town Newsletter.