Home Your Community Climate & Ecological Emergency

Climate & Ecological Emergency

Totnes Town Council declared a Climate & Ecological Emergency in December 2018.

On this page you will find:

  • Totnes Town Council’s Climate & Ecology Policy
  • Other resources

Climate & Ecological Emergency Forum and Totnes Climate Hub

Up until December 2023 Totnes Town Council held a monthly Climate & Ecological Emergency Forum (previously Working Group). With the establishment of the Totnes Climate Hub, this forum has now closed and will be working with the Totnes Climate Hub’s ‘Totnes Climate and Ecology Projects Group’ and details about the hub can be found on its website at https://totnesclimatehub.info/

Climate and Ecology Policy and Action Plan

Totnes Town Council is currently developing its Climate & Ecology Policy and Action Plan. This will appear here once completed and adopted by the Town Council.

Recent Meetings

Useful Resources

For information and resources relating to transport please see the Traffic and Transport page

The Gardening for Wildlife booklet was created by the Habitat Group, a collection of people from different parishes in the South Hams. You can find more information on them here: thehabitatgroup.uk

The booklet contains lots of simple ideas for how to make your garden more wildlife friendly.

Many resources including the Devon Carbon Plan

Located at The Mansion

Borrow 350+ useful items at a low cost from their mobile library of things

Connecting, supporting and inspiring local climate and nature action.

A community-led charity that exists to strengthen the local economy and resilience, and reduce environmental impact.

Provides a good range of furniture, Bric a Brac, small electrics & other household goods. Located next to the recycling centre.

Thu 18th June 2020
Last Updated
Wed 25th September 2024