Due to the national lockdown announced last night, the Totnes Town Council team are mainly home working and the offices are closed to ‘in person’ visitors. The main line (01803 862147) will be manned Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm. Outside of these times please direct specific queries to the following email addresses:
Town Clerk: clerk@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Asset management, Finance and Deputy Town Clerk: office@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Planning, Committees and Cemetery: administrator@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Mayoral PA, Civic Functions, Guildhall bookings: mayor@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Tourism, Destination management, Visit Totnes: info@visittotnes.co.uk
Civic Hall enquiries: civichall@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Public realm, litter, maintenance issues: tmo@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Tourist Information: tic@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Grant funding: community@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
Green Travel: greentravel@totnestowncouncil.gov.uk
There may be a delay in responding to your enquiry.