Home Our Services Civic Hall Civic Hall Bookings

Civic Hall Bookings

Hire Charges

The Council holds down charges to maximise community use. Hirers are invoiced for each element of their booking, so that they only pay for what they actually use. There are reduced rates for charitable and not-for-profit organisations. Please refer to our Booking Form for more information.

Designated Users

If you believe your regular hire of the Civic Hall provides a benefit to the community of Totnes then you could be eligible to receive a 50% discount on your hire costs by applying to the Paige Adams Trust for Designated User status. If you would like to find out more please contact the Civic Hall Administrator on 01803 862147. Alternatively complete and submit the Designated User Application form below.

Approved designated users:

  • Transition Town Totnes
  • Totnes Caring
  • Caring Town Totnes


Tue 24th November 2020
Last Updated
Thu 25th July 2024